Our Services

Adaptive Home Environments, LLC provides customized assessments, evaluations and plans for successful aging in place and accessible home modifications.  We also provide project liaison services with your contractor.

Comprehensive Assessments

The vital first step in creating a successful home modification and aging-in-place plan is the assessment process. The assessment has two components:

  1. The Environmental Assessment examines every detail of the physical setting of the home.
  2. The Person-Centered Assessment reviews a person’s performance within the home environment, the person’s functional needs and strengths, daily routines, goals and preferences.

Home Modification and Aging in Place Plans

From information obtained through the assessment process, a plan is developed with recommendations and options for successful aging in place now and in the future.  The recommendations include structural modifications, design features, safety enhancements, product recommendations and assistive technology.

Ramp for wheelchair accessibility provided by Better Living Design

Ramp for wheelchair accessibility provided by Better Living Design